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Act 1:


Scene 1: Three witches meet and plan to meet with Macbeth

Scene 2: King Duncan receives news of Macbeth's bravery in battle

Scene 3: Macbeth and Banquo encounter the witches who tell them their prophecies

Scene 4: King Duncan names his son, Malcolm, as his successor, sparking Macbeth's ambition

Scene 5: Lady Macbeth receives a letter from Macbeth about the witches' prophecies and convinces him to kill King Duncan Scene 6: Duncan arrives at Macbeth's castle and is welcomed by Lady Macbeth

Scene 7: Macbeth changes his mind about the regicide. Lady Macbeth convinces him to do it by questioning his manliness. 


Act 2:


Scene 1: Macbeth sees a vision of a dagger pointing the way to Duncan's room. He goes to murder him

Scene 2: Macbeth returns, with the daggers, to Lady Macbeth. She tells him off and puts the daggers with the servants.

Scene 3: A drunk porter lets Macduff and Lennox into the castle. They find Duncan has been murdered. 

Scene 4: Ross and an Old man discuss the strange things that have happened. The king's son, Malcolm and Donalbain, have been accused of murdering Duncan. Macbeth is to be crowned king. 


Act 3:


Scene 1: Banquo considers what the witches told him. Macbeth invites him to a feast. When Banquo leaves, Macbeth plans to have him killed with two murderers. 

Scene 2: Macbeth tells Lady Macbeth to be nice to Banquo but doesn't tell her that he plans to murder him.

Scene 3: The murderers kill Banquo, but his son, Fleance escapes.

Scene 4: The banquet starts off well. A murderer arrives to tell Macbeth that Banquo has been killed by Fleance lives. Macbeth, disturbed by this news, goes back to the feast. He repeatedly sees Banquo's ghost and the feast finishes early.

Scene 5: Hecate criticises the witches for speaking to Macbeth without her. She tells them to meet her again. 

Scene 6: Lennox and lord talk through recent events. We learn Malcolm is planning to take back Scotland and Macduff has gone to join him. 


Act 4:

Scene 1: Macbeth speaks to the witches again. They give him predictions that make him think he is invincible.

Scene 2: Lady Macduff complains that her husband has left her. She speaks to her young son before they are murdered by Macbeth's men.

Scene 3: Malcolm is suspicious of Macduff and pretends that he will be a terrible king to test Macduff's loyalty. Macduff passes the test. Ross arrives and tells Macduff that his whole family have been murdered. 


Act 5:

Scene 1: Lady Macbeth sleepwalks, confessing her guilt over the murders

Scene 2: The Scottish thanes gather to overthrow Macbeth

Scene 3: Macbeth prepares for battle.

Scene 4: The Scottish thanes join Malcolm. They use branches from Birnam woods to hide how many soldiers they have. 

Scene 5: Macbeth learns that Lady Macbeth has died. A messenger explains that the woods is moving.

Scene 6: The army discards the branches and the battle begins.

Scene 7: Macbeth kills young Siward and exits. Siward arrives announcing to Malcolm that they have taken over the castle. 

Scene 8: Macduff confronts Macbeth and reveals that he was born by C-section. They fight. Macbeth is killed. Macduff brings Macbeth's head to Malcolm who is proclaimed King of Scotland. 

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